Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fix me.

So I had a few runs right off the bat yesterday morning which was a great start for the day (or re-start depending how you look at it, because I get off work at my other job, then turn around and ride to PCB to do the Monday courier runs), but then the rest of the day was pretty darn dead. I came in the shop excited after the runs though because I had tried riding my single speed road bike my friend built from various discarded bike parts and was amazed at how fast it was. Until yesterday I had just cruised around on it. Anyway, apparently the rear wheel was not built correctly for a single speed, so my chainline wasn't really straight. I talked with Bernie about rebuilding it, but for what it would cost, I could almost afford to get a flip flop single speed/fixed wheel that was already built up with a velocity rim. After sitting around at the shop most of the day lusting after this wheel, I decided to drop the cash and Bernie showed me how to set it up with a new Surly track cog and lockring so that I could join the ICFGD (International Church of Fixed Gear Devotees). My ride home was fun and I really like how the fixed gear handles hills. However, I realized really quick all the times I usually coast for a second, like when I go from pedaling hard standing up to sitting in the saddle or when I cut across oncoming traffic onto a side street, etc. Anyway, I'm looking forward to re-learning how to ride with my new fixie. My geared bike, which I used to pull a trailer and my daughter to go grocery shopping today, is already feeling weird.


Bicycle Repairman / Shaggy said...

Welcome to the Dark Side...

Bernie said...

"If it ain't broke, fix it!"